Flexible Panel:Flexible panel

Posted by:info on 2020-12-22
Solar systems for RV and sailing yachts

 Alps Solar panels without a frame can simply be glued , magnetic screwed or screwed directly onto the   surface. On a stable base and flat mounting, the solar panels without a frame can even be walked on. A   mounting system is not necessary! In addition, the solar panels are particularly light and therefore ideal for   vans, campers, caravans or camper vans. Since the solar panels without a frame are extremely flat, the   structure will not increase, there will not be a tripping edge and no driving or air noises will be generated.


Rate output(Pmpp)Wp8.6318.9635.624966
Short circuit current(Isc)A0.531.
Open circuit Voltage(Voc)V20.4321.1320.4421.0320.97
Flexible panel